Friday, May 7, 2010

Have Your Dog Groomed While Saving the World!

A non profit organization called Matter of Trust is collecting donations of clean hair and fur of all kinds to clean up the oil in the ocean. Hair is hydrophobic which means it repels water, it is also great for absorbing oil (greasy hair means that hair collects oil). So Matter of Trust has volunteers making devices called hair mats and hair booms out of recycled hair and nylons- which are then placed in the water to soak up the oil.

Schedule your dog for a grooming today.  Best Friends Pet Care will be donating all hair clippings to Matter of Trust to assist in the Oil Spill clean up.  Give us a call at 203-849-1010 and start saving the world!

Here is the video that was posted on explaining what Matter of Trust is doing and how it works!!

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