Friday, January 15, 2010

Top Ten Reasons to Spay & Neuter Your Pet

Are you contemplating whether or not to get your pet spayed or neutered?  Well take a look at this list from Tails (out of Westport) with the benefits to spaying or neutering your dog or cat. 

Top Ten Reasons Why You Should Spay/Neuter

10. Prevent ovarian, uterine, mammary (breast) and testicular cancer from prematurely ending your pets life.

9. Prevent prostate infections in male dogs that cause difficulty urinating and defecating and may result in kidney failure and death.

8. Prevent urine marking in your home (on rugs, furniture etc).

7. Prevent unwanted behavior such as humping of legs of family members and houseguests, uncontrolled howling by unspayed cats, messy periods in unspayed female dogs and the attraction of neighborhood dogs and cats to your property.

6. No puppies or kittens to find homes for (or get stuck with!)
5. No late night emergency visits to the veterinarian and hundreds or thousands of dollars spent on emergencies from pregnancy complications.

4. Your pet is unlikely to roam or escape from invisible or regular fences as an intact pet would. Roaming pets are at risk for fights with other animals (pets and wild animals), traumatic injury (such as being hit by cars) or getting lost. They are also at increased risk for Lyme and other tick-borne disease, Leptospirosis and rabies (all potentially serious or fatal diseases to both your pet and your family).

3. Your male dog will be less likely to be aggressive.

2. Town licensing fees are reduced.

And the number one reason for spaying or neutering your pet is:

1. You will help prevent over 5 million healthy dogs and cats from being killed or from becoming homeless and experiencing or dying from starvation, injuries and cold.

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