Thursday, July 23, 2009

Tips for Dogs That are Fearful of Thunderstorms

Many dogs are fearful of thunderstorms. It's a horrible experience to watch these pets trembling and so scared, and all you want to do is tell them that everything will be alright. Unfortunately, dogs don't understand English. There are however a few things that you can try to alleviate this fear in your pet.

1. Be Calm and Confident.
If you become nervous for your pet, they will pick up on those emotions. Use a confident tone, and don't baby them. If everytime it storms you speak baby talk to your pet and let them sit in your lap, you will be reinforcing their fearful behavior. Instead be happy, carefree and confident. Lead by example, don't give them a reason to be worried.

2. Create a Safe Space.
Make sure that your dog has a comfortable area to retreat to in the event of a thunderstorm. Don't leave your dog outside either. Provide an inviting crate or a comfy bed away from windows or doors that they can curl up in.

3. Background Noise.
You may want to keep the radio or TV on during thunderstorms. The background noise might minimize the noise from the thunder.

4. Exercise Your Dog.
If you know that thunderstorms are in the forecast it is a good idea to give your dog a some extra exercise that day. If they are exhausted or worn out, they will be less concerned with the noises going on outside.

5. Buy an Audio CD with Thunderstorm noises.
If you play a CD with soothing sounds of thunder, you can try to desensitize your pooch. If you take this approach, play the CD frequently, in all types of weather.

These tips should help you and your fearful dog. There are however some severe cases that require medicine that can be obtained from the Vet, but I recommend trying these alternatives first! Good Luck, the weekend weather forecast is looking grim.

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